Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet - Moms In Prayer International

Jun 20, 2022


Welcome to Victory Outreach's Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet - Moms In Prayer International! Here, we present you with an invaluable resource to enhance your prayer life and deepen your connection with God. Designed specifically for moms who are part of the Moms In Prayer International community, this comprehensive tool will equip you to pray effectively and with passion.

About Moms In Prayer International

Moms In Prayer International is a global organization dedicated to helping mothers connect in prayer for the spiritual well-being of their children. It is a community built on the belief that when moms come together to pray, incredible things happen. This powerful network provides support, encouragement, and resources for moms who want to make a difference through prayer.

Why Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet?

As a mom, your role in shaping and nurturing your child's faith is of utmost importance. The Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet empowers you with targeted prayers and guidance to intercede for your child, their educational journey, personal struggles, and more. By using this invaluable resource, you can be confident that you are covering every aspect of your child's life in prayer.

Key Features of Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet

  • Comprehensive Prayer Points: The Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet provides you with an extensive list of prayer points covering various aspects of your child's life. From their emotional well-being to academic success, each prayer point has been carefully crafted to address specific needs.
  • Scriptural Affirmations: Alongside the prayer points, you will find relevant scriptural affirmations that you can declare over your child's life. These powerful verses serve as a reminder of God's promises and provide comfort and encouragement.
  • Weekly Inspiration: The prayer sheet is updated with fresh weekly inspiration to keep you motivated and engaged in your prayer journey. These uplifting messages, quotes, and reflections will strengthen your faith and encourage you to press on.
  • User-Friendly Format: The Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet is designed to be easily accessible and user-friendly. Whether on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can conveniently access the prayer sheet wherever you are, keeping your prayers consistent and intentional.

How to Make the Most of the Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet

Here are some tips to maximize the benefits of the Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet:

1. Set Aside Dedicated Prayer Time

Allocate specific time in your day to connect with God and intercede for your child. By making prayer a priority, you create space for a deeper relationship with Him and the opportunity to pour out your heart on behalf of your child.

2. Personalize the Prayer Points

While the Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet provides comprehensive prayer points, feel free to personalize them to suit your child's unique needs. Insert their name, specific challenges they are facing, or any particular goals they are working towards. God knows your child intimately, so be specific in your prayers.

3. Engage in Moms In Prayer Groups

Moms In Prayer International offers local and virtual prayer groups where you can connect with other moms who are also using the Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet. Joining these groups provides a supportive community, an opportunity to share prayer requests, and celebrate answered prayers together.

4. Regularly Update and Reflect

As your child grows and their needs change, make sure to update your prayer sheet accordingly. Take time to reflect on God's faithfulness and the answered prayers you have witnessed. Keeping a record helps you see how God is working and encourages you to continue praying with confidence.


Victory Outreach is excited to offer you the Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet - Moms In Prayer International, a powerful resource designed to uplift and transform your prayer life as a mom. Through intentional prayer and relying on God's strength, you can make an eternal impact on your child's life. Start using the Worthy Mobile Prayer Sheet today and experience the transformative power of prayer!

Lisa Hernandez
Great resource! This mobile prayer sheet from Moms In Prayer International is exactly what I need to enhance my prayer life and connect with God on a deeper level. Thank you for providing such a valuable tool for moms like me!
Nov 12, 2023
Manoj Bajpai
This is exactly what I need to stay connected to God throughout the day. Thank you!
Nov 2, 2023
Nghia Ho
Thank you for providing this valuable resource for moms in prayer! 🙏
Oct 23, 2023
Aircall Contact
This is so helpful!
Oct 5, 2023
Scot Moir
Looking forward to incorporating this into my daily routine. Thank you for sharing!
Aug 14, 2023
Jody White
This resource is a game-changer for my prayer time. Thank you for putting it together!
Jun 25, 2023
Lorna Duggan
What a wonderful initiative for moms in prayer. Thank you for the thoughtful design!
Jun 21, 2023
Steve Gilles
I am thrilled to have access to this powerful tool for prayer. Thank you for sharing it with us!
May 23, 2023
Vaibhav Dhanani
As a mom, this resource is a blessing. Thank you for making it available!
May 11, 2023
Danny McAdam
I can't wait to start using this mobile prayer sheet. It's such a great idea!
Apr 7, 2023
Latryce Dowell
I appreciate the effort put into creating this mobile prayer sheet. It will definitely enrich my prayer life.
Sep 2, 2022
Herberth Canas
I'm grateful for this mobile prayer sheet. It will undoubtedly strengthen my relationship with God.
Aug 29, 2022